Wednesday 14 January 2009

Settling down to the UK weather

Its a foggy day today. There are many ways of perceiving the weather outside on such a day. You could say, 'Wow, the mist looks so serene' or some may think of it as romantic, others may perceive it as mysterious and so on and so forth. The UK weather is filled with wonder for me. The weather can change many colours even in one given day leave alone in one given week! It could be very sunny for sometime and then change to cloudy after a couple of hours. After coming from the tropics, getting used to the UK weather is equivalent to accepting nature in totality! If you equate cloudy as gloomy, dull and depressing then this is not the weather for you. But if you are ready to give in to Mother Nature and truly enjoy all her shades and colours; ........then you could find deep peace here in UK. I am beginning to sort of touch that I thank Mother Nature?

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